The Breathwork Class: Balance and Regulate

Live Class Replay: 26th June 2024

Time: 60 Minutes

Benefits: Reset Your Nervous System, Calm Your Mind, Focus the Present, Optimized Oxygenation, Stimulated Blood Pressure Receptors, Curbed Inflammation and Increased Heart Rate Variability, Built Vagal Tone

Method: Gentle, functional breathwork techniques, Performed while sitting back in a comfy chair or lying down, Ideal for relaxation without a full stomach

PT: Harry Isaac Mathers

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The Breathwork Class: Balance and Regulate

Live Class Replay: 5th June 2024

Time: 60 Minutes

Benefits: Reset Your Nervous System, Calm Your Mind, Focus the Present, Optimized Oxygenation, Stimulated Blood Pressure Receptors, Curbed Inflammation and Increased Heart Rate Variability, Built Vagal Tone

Method: Gentle, functional breathwork techniques, Performed while sitting back in a comfy chair or lying down, Ideal for relaxation without a full stomach

PT: Harry Isaac Mathers

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How to Make Sleep Your Super Power Masterclass

This enlightening session will guide you through practical strategies to develop deep, consistent sleep patterns that enhance your daily energy and significantly improve your relationships and overall quality of life. This class includes an optional Hypnosis session.

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Learn To Love You

Time: 20 Minutes

Benefits: Self-Love, Positive Self-Image, Emotional Healing

Method: Video Session, Guided Mirror Work, Interactive Self-Reflection

PT: Claire Anstey

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When You Don’t Know Who You Are Anymore

Time: Flexible - 10 minutes to several hours, depending on introspection depth

Benefits: Self-Discovery, Clarity, Personal Fulfillment

Method: Journaling, Guided Introspection, Deep Questioning, Personal Reflection

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Note To Self

Time: Variable: 3-minute read followed by a 30 to 45-minute letter-writing exercise

Benefits: Enhanced Self-Esteem, Increased Self-Support, Emotional Resilience

Method: Guided Self-Reflection and Personal Letter Writing

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007 And You Know It

Time: Variable, 3-minute read followed by 30 to 45 minutes for the exercise

Benefits: Goal Clarity, Self-Empowerment, Actionable Planning

Method: Personal Mission Statement Creation & Reflective Writing

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House Of Pain: A Place For All Your Sadness

Time: Variable, 3-minute read followed by 30 to 45 minutes for the exercise, with additional time as needed for personal reflection and creation

Benefits: Emotional Release, Coping with Grief, Personal Healing

Method: Written Reflection, Practical Exercise with Crafting

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For when you need to laugh

Time: 3-Minute read and then 15 minutes to schedule the exercise, followed by a 30-minute commitment

Benefits: Enhanced Mood, Increased Joy, Emotional Resilience

Method: Reading and Planning of an Activity

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Navigating the Nuances of Regret

Time: 45 Minutes , 20-minute video and 25-minute journaling exercise, can be completed in two parts

Benefits: Enhanced Understanding of Regret, Improved Emotional Navigation, Personal Growth

Method: Video Viewing & Reflective Journaling

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Embracing Mental Well-Being

Time: 34 minutes (9-minute video and 25 minutes of journaling)

Benefits: Increased Awareness of Mental Health, Challenge to Gender Norms, Enhanced Self-Understanding

Method: Video Viewing & Reflective Journaling

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Unraveling Shame with Brené Brown

Time: 45 minutes (20-minute video and 25 minutes of journaling, can be completed in two parts)

Benefits: Transformation of Shame, Enhanced Self-Awareness, Strengthened Connections

Method: Video Viewing & Reflective Journaling

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