MendMaker Exercise: Session written and explained by your coach Claire Anstey

Cause A Chain Reaction By Linking What You Love To What You Do

Sitting at home or at work moaning about your crap only brings you down. Talking about what you don't like only focuses you even more on the bad things. When we take a quick glance at our daily lives we don't realize that everyday has opportunities to get us closer to our goals. This exercise is about dissecting your day and linking these actions to the bigger dream.

As I write this right now I am working in an office, not exactly where you would expect the next Oprah to be working. So how do I cope as it is very far from my dream? I won't lie to you at times it has been tough and yes I have been known to cry on the northern line at 7.30am.

Before this job I had never worked in an office. I was chasing fame any way I could get it, in fact I could not work the photocopier when I got here. This job has provided me with business knowledge that links directly with my dream. I had never known anyone in banking and investments before this. This is providing me with new skills and new opinions. The people I work with are all amazing in their own individual way and they have taught me about everything from wealth to coffee making.

How did I ever expect to understand people in this sector if I had no experience? I was out of work for 6 months before this job. I was broke and desperate. I am now working and getting paid very well, this is enabling me to pay for further qualifications and pay off my debts. I also spend about 3 hours a day at my desk writing this..

I think working at this office has a huge link with me getting to my dream and it's now up to you to find a way to feel the same with your daily life right now.


Take a look at all the things you have to do each day and find how they all can help you towards your goal or dream.

Ok, so you might hate your job and maybe your boss stinks but you get paid and this money allows you to pay your rent and it will pay for the course that you want to take to enable you to get a career change. By focusing and trying to love what we do we can get ourselves excited by what it can bring. And it is this realization that can make you feel a whole lot better about your life.

Remember every moment is an opportunity for you to take action, and for you to do something amazing. Cause a chain reaction by linking what you love to what you do. It is hard but you will be able to do it.

Grab some paper. On the left side, write down a list of everything you do in your day. Be as detailed as you wish, taking a shower and getting ready is part of your day, walking the dog, it all goes down. Now on the right side of the paper link these actions to your dream.

So how the heck is walking your dog going to help you become a mathematician? I hear you cry? To have a pet dog you have to be committed. That value is definitely one you need to get to any dream. It is all about thinking that little bit outside the box.

These links are important, every time you feel down focus on what you are doing and link it to your dream. Know that every moment and every action is taking you on the right path.

You are the 'Karate Kid' of your own movie, (watch the film to know what I mean!)

Wax on, Wax off' - It all leads to something.


Strengthen Your Immune System Hypnosis

