Note To Self
MendMaker Exercise: Session written and explained by your coach Claire Anstey
It’s time To Remind Yourself That You Are Awesome!
Session Length: 3-minute read and then 30/45 minute letter writing exercise.
Note from Claire Anstey: Note To Self' was born from my own need to find light in the darkness. It’s like writing a love letter to your future self, filled with the encouragement and praise you need to hear, especially during tough times. I found solace in these notes, reminders of my strength and worth, and I believe they can do the same for you. This exercise isn't just about self-reflection; it's a proactive step towards nurturing your self-esteem and resilience. By receiving your own words of support, you'll be reminded of your capabilities and achievements, helping to lift your spirits and reinforce your sense of self-worth whenever you need it most.
No one loves me.
Everybody hates me.
The world is against me.
A Saturday night on your own can feel like it's just you against the world. And sometimes it is.
The world is full of change and the only person you can rely on is yourself. It is a hard one to take, but it's the truth. It can be a tough realization to make but the fact is you will never let you down. Or would you? Do you always live up to your own expectations? Do you give yourself enough support and love?
Being in a good mood is brilliant as you get things done, you get back on the right track and your vibe attracts the most amazing things. When we are good we know we are great and it is easy to tell ourselves so.
But sometimes you just feel like shit. Getting out of the not so good moods is tough. We feel shit and we know we are shit because it just feels so easy to agree with those self-hating lonely emotions. So to make sure we stay on track you are going to write yourself a letter. A note to self to keep that self talk in support mode. A little pick me up that will take you by surprise when it arrives and it will be available for you to read on the days when you are feeling blue.
What is it that you want to declare to the person that matters most? That's you by the way. You now have the chance to write it all down. All the support, all the pride and all the love you have for yourself, you're going to see it right before your eyes. Your letter will make you feel safe and allow you to remember that you are doing the best you can.
Snail mail, a detailed email or even a memo for 6 weeks time via your computer's calendar, how you choose to receive your letter is up to you.
Do them all if you wish, totally overload yourself with your words of encouragement and support.
What should the letter include? Well that is up to you. If in 6 weeks time you expect to have achieved certain things, congratulate yourself on those things. Encourage and comfort yourself on the personal stuff you are working on too.
Remind yourself of what you have achieved, how great you are, how much you have grown and developed. And congratulate yourself on getting closer to your dream.
Grab that piece of paper or get yourself to your computer and get writing.
Let it flow, let your letter to yourself almost leak out from your heart.
Then pop it into an envelope, address it to yourself, leave it on the side and post it in a few weeks. Alternatively copy it to a word document and place it in a delayed email or in your calendar as a memo or appointment for 6 weeks time.
No matter how you feel when you receive your letter to self you can be guaranteed that you will feel invincible when you are reminded of the great force that consistently supports you - and that force is you.