Subconscious Mind Treatment (SMT), also known as affirmative prayer, is a transformative practice rooted in the teachings of New Thought and Science of Mind philosophies. It is a structured, five-step process designed to align one's mind with the infinite intelligence of the universe, facilitating positive change and manifestation in various aspects of life. Here at The Wisdom Gym, we believe that SMT can be a powerful tool for personal growth, healing, and spiritual development.

The Five Steps of Spiritual Mind Treatment

  1. Recognition: Acknowledge the presence of a higher power, universal intelligence, or divine source. This step is about recognizing that this power is omnipresent and the source of all creation.

  2. Unification: Realize your oneness with this higher power. Affirm that you are an integral part of this universal intelligence, and its power and wisdom flow through you.

  3. Declaration: Clearly state your intention or desire. This is an affirmative declaration of what you seek to manifest or experience in your life, framed in positive and present terms.

  4. Acceptance: Embrace the belief that your intention is already fulfilled. Accept that the universe has heard your declaration and that the desired outcome is now manifesting in your life.

  5. Release: Let go and trust the process. Release your treatment to the universe, knowing that it is now in the hands of the infinite intelligence to bring it into reality.

Benefits of Spiritual Mind Treatment

1. Enhanced Clarity and Focus:

  • By clearly defining your intentions and desires, SMT helps sharpen your focus and provides clarity on what you truly want to achieve or experience.

2. Empowerment and Confidence:

  • Recognizing your oneness with a higher power instills a sense of empowerment, boosting your confidence in your ability to manifest positive outcomes.

3. Stress Reduction:

  • The practice of SMT promotes a deep sense of trust and peace, reducing stress and anxiety by fostering a belief in a supportive and benevolent universe.

4. Positive Transformation:

  • Regular practice of SMT can lead to significant personal growth and transformation, as it aligns your thoughts and beliefs with your highest good.

5. Healing and Well-being:

  • SMT can be a powerful tool for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, promoting overall well-being and harmony in your life.

6. Spiritual Connection:

  • Engaging in SMT enhances your spiritual connection, deepening your relationship with the divine and fostering a greater sense of purpose and meaning.

At The Wisdom Gym, we offer guidance and resources to help you integrate Subconscious Mind Treatment into your daily life, empowering you to harness the power of affirmative prayer for personal and spiritual growth. Discover the transformative potential of SMT and embark on a journey towards a more fulfilled and enlightened existence.


