Navigating the Nuances of Regret

Time: 45 Minutes , 20-minute video and 25-minute journaling exercise, can be completed in two parts

Benefits: Enhanced Understanding of Regret, Improved Emotional Navigation, Personal Growth

Method: Video Viewing & Reflective Journaling

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Embracing Mental Well-Being

Time: 34 minutes (9-minute video and 25 minutes of journaling)

Benefits: Increased Awareness of Mental Health, Challenge to Gender Norms, Enhanced Self-Understanding

Method: Video Viewing & Reflective Journaling

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Unraveling Shame with Brené Brown

Time: 45 minutes (20-minute video and 25 minutes of journaling, can be completed in two parts)

Benefits: Transformation of Shame, Enhanced Self-Awareness, Strengthened Connections

Method: Video Viewing & Reflective Journaling

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Vulnerability is Power!

Time: 35-50 Minutes

Benefits: Enhanced Emotional Resilience, Deeper Relationships, Authentic Living

Method: Video Viewing and Reflective Discussion

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