MendMaker Exercise: Session written and explained by your coach Claire Anstey

Take some time out right now to remember all the things you have achieved in your life!

Session Length: 15-20 minutes

Session Benefits: The "Iconic Applause Starts from Within" MendMaker Exercise encourages you to reflect on and celebrate your past achievements, big and small. This session helps boost your self-esteem by recognizing the challenges you've overcome and the victories you've earned. By fostering a positive self-view, this exercise enhances your overall vibe, impacting how you feel and interact with others. It's a powerful reminder that you possess the strength and resilience needed to navigate life's ups and downs, and it reinvigorates your spirit with a newfound sense of pride and accomplishment.


Remember what you have done. Your achievements matter. It's all well and good sitting at home stewing about how crap everything is but what about all the things you have achieved long before the shit hit the fan. You my friend are a little achievement warrior and you just need to have a little look back to see what wars you took on and won.

Appreciation of yourself and your achievements creates good thoughts and by now you know how much good thoughts can affect your vibe. A good vibe can change your life in seconds. You only need to go on the underground when feeling good to know how it affects those around you, they just can't cope with your energy, everyone is looking at you and you know it., let’s get that feeling back right now.


Your task is simple. Take some time out right now to remember all the things you have achieved in your life. If seeing it all in front of you makes it real, grab some paper and start writing it all down.

Think about all the things that have happened in your life to lead you to this moment. And I mean the memories and experiences that make up your soul. So yes maybe it hurt like hell when you got fired and you slept with 7 randoms to cope but you survived and hopefully you chose to learn from it. This is a huge achievement. Don't let yourself forget it. Write it down. Then sit back and embrace it all and be very pleased with yourself. Realize all the things you have achieved and survived.

Degrees, relationships, growing up with no dad, good decisions and traveling, they are all achievements. All these accomplishments make up the person you are now and that's amazing.

In fact so amazing you deserve a huge round of applause. I dare you to stand up right now and whoop like you're at a concert or cry like you have won an Oscar for your performance because wow you have managed some bloody great feats. You are so amazing, enjoy this feeling you deserve it.

A little trick to get the buzz back:

After doing this exercise you will be able to see how easy it is to change your mood and your energy and get buzzy about yourself again.

So when you're feeling low and you want to create that good vibe again just remember the good stuff you have achieved. Do it when you're on the train, alone in the pub or even at your desk at work - let's face it doing this is much more productive than looking up your ex partners social networking page and crying over their antics. And then watch as you become magnetic to all those around you, almost immediately.


Health & Self Love Affirmations


Self Belief and Self Trust: Vol 3