Stop Being Such A B*tch
MendMaker Exercise: Session written and explained by your coach Claire Anstey
It's Time To Clear Your Mind Of Those Negative And Bitchy Comments About Others.
Filling your time with nasty chat about others not only gets in the way of the good thoughts you could be having about yourself, it allows you to hide behind the truth about your own life that you just can't face.
It is not a coincidence that tabloid talk shows feed you with members of the public who sleep with their own mum and sell their own children on eBay. The TV execs know you and millions of others will watch this when you should be at work with the rest of the world.
Are you glued to the screen, slightly disturbed but slightly in awe as right in that moment some other poor bugger has a worse life than you. They also have less values and a lot less self-respect.
You curse the TV, shouting at the low life's, laughing at how desperate they must be to go on a show like this whilst ignoring the fact that it wouldn't be there without you, its audience.
Certain chat shows are put on for a reason. To make those who have no purpose to their day feel a bit better about it, for all of just 30 minutes. You have been one of them, we all have, but it's up to you whether you stay.
It's time to quit being a bitch. Don't believe the hype, you don't just bitch if you're female or if you are gay. We all do it and it's a waste of our energy and our creativity. Stop being the shit in your shit life. Its negativity infests every part of you.
Every single thought we have is ingrained into our cells and into our DNA and over time negative thoughts can manifest into physical illness. So why waste your good health and energy on someone else.
It's time to clear your mind of those negative and bitchy comments about others. (You can then fill the gap with the fun stuff).
When you feel yourself falling into a bitch fest, stop, take note of what you were about to do, think a happy thought and make a huge point of saying something nice about that person instead.
If that's too hard then to begin with just say nothing at all but do build up to replacing those negative remarks with something positive. Remember bitterness is not attractive.
If you find yourself falling back into this nasty pattern of bitching you can try these visual reminders. Write a post it for each negative thought you have and stick it on your desk at work or alternatively you can write each one on the back of your hand. The amount will shock you into submission. And the embarrassment of having to explain will work a treat.
Also avoid negative people. Do not join in slagging match conversations. What you think you become, the power of your own thought is incredible. Do you really want to end up a nagging old fishwife or a bitch no matter what your sex or sexual persuasion?
Take a moment and really think about what you say. What is your reason for being mean to someone? Could it be possible that they are a lot like you and you see the bits you don't like about yourself in them? Can you handle the truth?
And remember that no matter how amazing and perfect you are, these people are human too, how does it make you feel when people act like an arsehole to you. If you don't like being on the receiving end then cut people some slack and remember that we are all in this game called life together.