Your more than an In-flight Movie
MendMaker Exercise: Session written and explained by your coach Claire Anstey
Visualise to Materialise
If your life right now were a movie would it be as dull and unexciting as the movies you watch at 5pm bored on a Sunday? If you could make a movie of your perfect life story what would it include? What would you have achieved, who would your friends be and what would be your happy ending?
Knowing what we want in life can be tough, especially when you feel so stuck and down in the dumps. The following exercise allows your mind to become free of your daily responsibilities and stresses and allows these inner desires and thoughts to come to the forefront of your busy mind
I believe the phone line between our heart and our mind is often disconnected, they don't communicate and if they do the people around us convince you to go against them. Visualizing helps us get it back. If you want a big car, a hot partner and a style that stops people in the street, you can have it but you have to believe it first.
The basic science behind visualization is that it is the thought that counts. If you see it and feel it, you internally start to believe it, and then you can live it and make it happen. Nothing can exist until it's a thought in your head and a feeling in your heart.
One day many years ago someone thought of a flying machine and got laughed at. Look who's laughing now. Imagine the impossible and watch it happen.
Try this visualization exercise. Do it as many times as you need to as each time you will feel more comfortable and this will allow your heart to tell your mind what it really wants.
This may feel very weird to you at first but remember you actually do this already on the bus. You visualize constantly.
For instance, do you imagine the worst on the way to work as you know your boss is about to tell you off? We often create worst-case scenarios in our head, but once we know that "thoughts become things" we can see how negative visualization can add fuel to a fire that has already started to spark. This technique is about creating the best for yourself within your imagination and science has proven that visualization does work.
Have a read of the passage below and have a go. Don't worry about remembering everything; you will naturally remember what you need to make this work for you. The below passage is just a guide written in a note form so that you can add to it and change it to what feels good for you. Remember you are your own teacher; this book is just to guide you.
Find a quiet place, sit down and give yourself five minutes to chill out. Pretty soon you'll find it becomes something you feel all the time. Close your eyes and take a deep breath, letting go of the day at hand. Letting thoughts slowly disappear as you become relaxed and calm.
Now try to visualize yourself in a dark wood. Look up at the sky through the branches of the trees and see the stars in the midnight sky. Notice how they look, how they are positioned and what they mean to you. Walk through the woods noticing the pathway, there is no time limit on this; just your take on what feels right.
In your own time find a clearing, it's a magical place, everything you want it to be. You see a huge cinema screen ahead. All the people that are important to you and involved in your life are all gathered to watch your show. They sit waiting for you.
You see yourself projected onto the screen. It's your own movie, of your perfect life. All the things you want to achieve, all the things you dream about are happening, they've already happened. You're a huge success and you're happy. Notice what you see and notice what you feel inside.
In your heart feel the happiness and the joy of achieving this. Slowly feel yourself entering the perfect movie. Become that image of you, feel yourself take over the body, senses and awareness of the perfect you.
This perfect movie is the real you. Feel how you move, how you respond to everything. how you stand, how you see everything. Notice how your success positively affects everyone who watches you.
They applaud, they smile, and they love you. Notice how your family and loved ones applaud everything that is you and that you show them. Feel amazing. Your success brings all these people joy. You inspire them to make changes.
See them perform those changes in the future, be pleased at the positive effect you have had and then, slowly, while still feeling these intense emotions, focus on your breathing, open your eyes and come back to the room.
Take as long as you need to see each part of this visualization.
Don't pressure yourself or force images to appear, just let them drift into your mind when they come.