Sessions For Self-love and Acceptance

Learn to love yourself with our Mirror Work sessions. Mirror work is an extremely effective practice that will teach you how to love yourself, accept who you are and see the world as a safe and loving place.

Session Style: Audio or Video Session

Our Mirror Work Sessions .

For many, you will need a pen and paper. Each session is a different length, some 5 minutes, some 45. Clear instructions are given at the start of each task.

Class Benefits Include:

  • Self-Acceptance: Mirror work encourages self-acceptance by allowing men to see themselves without judgment and embracing their imperfections.

  • Improved Self-Esteem: Regular mirror work can boost self-esteem and self-confidence, leading to a healthier self-image.

  • Positive Self-Talk: Mirror work promotes positive self-talk, helping men replace self-criticism with self-compassion and encouragement.

  • Emotional Awareness: Engaging in mirror work can help men become more in tune with their emotions and learn to express and process them.

  • Enhanced Body Image: Mirror work supports a healthier body image by focusing on self-love and appreciation for one's body.

  • Confident Communication: Mirror work can improve communication skills as men practice speaking kindly and assertively to themselves.

  • Empowerment: Mirror work empowers men to take control of their self-perception and emotional well-being.

  • Embrace Vulnerability: Through mirror work, men can become more comfortable with vulnerability and authenticity.

  • Stress Reduction: Engaging in mirror work can be calming and reduce stress, helping men manage anxiety and tension.

Personal Growth: Mirror work is a tool for personal growth, allowing men to address self-limiting beliefs and evolve into their best selves.


