Our Hypnosis Sessions offer a transformative journey into the subconscious mind, harnessing the power of hypnotic suggestion to foster change and personal growth. Each session is meticulously designed to target specific areas such as stress reduction, habit change, confidence building, or deep relaxation. Guided by a professional hypnotherapist, participants enter a state of deep relaxation, allowing them to access and influence subconscious thoughts and patterns.


  • Subconscious Change: Directly influences the subconscious mind to support lasting changes in thoughts and behaviours.

  • Stress Reduction: Induces a state of deep relaxation that alleviates stress and promotes emotional well-being.

  • Enhanced Focus and Clarity: Clears the mental clutter, improving focus and decision-making capabilities.

  • Behavioural Improvement: Addresses and modifies undesirable habits or behaviours, supporting better lifestyle choices and mental health.

  • Emotional Healing: Provides a pathway to address and heal emotional traumas, enhancing overall life satisfaction.

Fused Modalities and Therapy Types:

  • Guided Hypnosis: Utilizes a series of relaxation and visualization techniques to lead the mind into a receptive state for change.

  • Suggestion Therapy: Implants positive affirmations and suggestions directly into the subconscious, which influence thoughts and actions at a deeper level.

  • Progressive Relaxation: Systematically relaxes the body and mind to enhance the effectiveness of the hypnotic process.

Class Preparation:

  • Materials Needed: Headphones for optimal audio clarity, a comfortable chair or place to lie down.

  • Environment: A quiet, private space is crucial for maintaining the depth of relaxation necessary for effective hypnosis.

Delivery Method:

  • Session Style: Audio or Video Session. Choose from either a visual engagement through video or a focused auditory experience with audio, depending on your preference. Both formats are designed to facilitate deep relaxation and effective subconscious influence, guided by our professional hypnotherapists.

Frequency and Continued Practice:

  • Initial Frequency: While each hypnosis session can function as a standalone experience, it is recommended to repeat the reprogramming audio provided for at least 21 days to solidify the new subconscious learnings.

  • Ongoing Practice: You will be guided on the frequency for best results within each session you attend. Continuing to listen to the audio outside of the session helps reinforce the changes and ensure lasting effects.

Experience our Hypnosis Sessions to unlock the potential of your subconscious mind. Whether you're looking to overcome obstacles, enhance personal abilities, or achieve relaxation and well-being, hypnosis offers a powerful tool for significant and sustained transformation. Join us to tap into the deep resources of your mind and make meaningful changes that resonate throughout your life.


