INSTRUCTIONS: Read through the script following the tapping placements. Say your script with passion and really feel it in the body.

Start by Tapping on the side of the hand

Even though, I fear change. I deeply and completely love, honor, and accept myself.

Even though, when I think about taking the next steps my body says it's not safe to push my edges. I choose to breath and trust in my soul desire. As I tap my body is shifting us forward leaning in and trusing this new path.

Tapping on the Top of the head

I choose now to release the fear of change. Flowing forward effortlessly my body and my energy has now been activated.

Tapping on the Third eye

After all change is just inner growth. I am ready for this new chapter. I feel it deep within me.

Tapping on the Inner eyebrow ( eye brow bone )

I have been asking for change for som time. It feels so good to move forward now.

Tapping On The Outer eyebrow (side of head)

I know in my heart and soul it’s time now. Its safe now.

Tapping Under the Eye

I release any and all beliefs that kept me stuck and unable to move forward. That told me it was safe to be isolated, stagnant and stuck in what was familiar because it felt safe! I am over it. I boldy face my inner self and we dance into the new.

Tapping Under the nose (just above lip)
I can’t hold on to the old ways the old me because I am scared! I choose to lovingly free myself now

Tapping On the chin

Letting any memories or anytime in my life where change happen and it wasn’t good. Letting the memory come forward so I can tap it out.

Tapping on the collarbone

State any and all memories where change wasn’t good or easy for you aloud as you tap.

Tapping Under the arm

It isn’t my truth anymore. Things get to be different this time. This time I am calling the shots and trusting in the next chapter

Tapping on the Top of head

I am ready and now boldly shift into the next chapter embracing

change and leading with soul

Keep Tapping Top of the head:
I am transforming and it’s exciting!

Tapping on your third eye

Totally trusting in the process and

letting this new chapter be easy, juicy with passion and I am in harmonywig

my desires.

Tapping on the inner eyebrow

Wow, my life is so easy now. New opportunities are just falling into my lap.

Tapping on the outer eyebrow (side of head)

It’s all coming together and it feels so good to

be on the other side of the chaos

Tapping under the eye

Embracing this new confidence, peace and harmony

Tapping under the nose (above the lip)

My energy is expansive now. It’s magnetic

Tapping on the chin

I am easily attracting my desires, goals and wishes now

Tapping on the collarbone

Wow, this feels so amazing in my body. It feels so comfy and safe. Under the arm

It’s about time I felt this kinda ease. I feel good

Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly letting the breathe flow.

Repeat this whole series two more times.




EFT Tapping & Mirror Work Instructions