Focus, Feel, Manifest

The creation meditation fuses the power of visualisation, feeling and focus, taking you on a personal and bespoke journey. Allow Claire Anstey to guide you through the five steps of manifestation; as you see and feel every word, I say you create the vibrational changes that act as a magnet for your desires.

Session Style: Audio Meditation

Our Creation Meditations are audio sessions. You just need to listen and follow the voice guide.

Class Benefits Include:

  • Clarified Goals: Visualization and Law of Attraction meditations help you clarify your goals by creating vivid mental images of what you want to manifest.

  • Heightened Focus: Engaging in these meditations improves your focus on your desires, reinforcing your commitment to achieving them.

  • Positive Mindset: Visualization and Law of Attraction meditations cultivate a positive mindset by emphasizing what you want rather than what you lack.

  • Boosted Motivation: Regular practice of these meditations keeps your goals at the forefront of your mind, fueling your motivation to take action.

  • Enhanced Self-Belief: Visualization and Law of Attraction meditations build your self-belief by allowing you to see yourself achieving your goals.

  • Reduced Anxiety: These practices can reduce anxiety by redirecting your thoughts towards positive outcomes and solutions.

  • Increased Creativity: Visualization meditations stimulate your creativity, encouraging you to envision new possibilities and solutions.

  • Heightened Attraction: Law of Attraction meditations align your thoughts and energy with your desires, increasing your chances of attracting them.

  • Resilience Building: Visualization and Law of Attraction meditations help you develop resilience by focusing on positive outcomes despite challenges.

Mind-Body Connection: Engaging in these meditations deepens your mind-body connection, as you imagine and feel your desired experiences.


